Home - DDR3 Desktop PC Memory
Min Price: R1
Max Price: R9100
A huge selection of DDR3 variants for desktop computers from Corsair, Kingston, Adata and more. From value to enthusiast level RAM you can get exactly what you need from our selection at dream prices with exceptional service too!
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DDR3 Desktop PC Memory
Kingston Hyper-X Fury 4G...
In Stock With Supplier
Limited Stock With Supplier
Kingston 4GB Valueram DD...
Kingston 2GB Valueram DD...
Kingston HyperX Genesis ...
Corsair Vengeance Pro 8G...
Corsair Vengeance Lp 8GB...
Corsair Vengeance 8GB DD...
Corsair Dominator Platin...
Corsair Vengeance Pro 4G...